In gym class with Rudolph Valentino ignored There is no doubt that to maintain the highest degree strong, flexible and harmonious human body is the first element of physical activity. Perseverance in pursuing various gymnastic exercises s'impigrisca and prevent the body from falling into that state of neglect that leads to an early old age.
Even when the sport gymnastics is not feasible in the open air is necessary to follow a plan of exercise to maintain the elasticity of all body parts. I have never failed to engage the system with constant diligence to maintain the line by standardizing the financial conditions of my environment where I must live.
When I play my part in California I get up every morning at six o'clock I dedicate myself to boxing and pulling for forty-five minutes against the pushing-ball. So I take a shower, get dressed and have breakfast. At seven and a half at the Studio ready to run my business. I can assure you that this first effort is sometimes so strong to fill every need. Very often after my work horse and I jump at a good trot in the woods in California, are the most delicious in the world in the golden sunset.
If you are in New York, as often happens to me, I must step up the exercises that I shake.
Each exercise covers a single part of the body, achieving flexibility and vigor. The photographs that accompany this greater intelligence my notes show as I have treated my condition and my overall proportion muscle when I was forced to city life.
Reform of the neck if it is thin and bony - This exercise produces a stimulating effect, because it loosens the upper vertebrae of the spine and acts as a tonic on the nervous system. At first, tilt your head forward with energy, as in the photo, then pour it back up to look at the sky.
To keep the chin strap - Turn your head first on one side and then in stretching his chin on top of the humerus in maximum effort. This twisting of the vertebra High is very important and is also effective to bring the neck and the cervix.
Bridge - The strong shoulder is the most important element of a well developed body. Lie on the floor with your mouth up, lifting the shoulder at this location. If the neck is weak and underdeveloped it supports the weight on your hands every time trying to lean dippiĆ¹ on the muscles of the cervix.
balance of the spine - With arms outstretched horizontally, you turn the rotating body on the one hand, therefore, balancing the other. Relax in either moving up to twist the backbone stretching even the most guts. This section shall be turned over the hips keeping this possibility in the normal position.
you suffer from indigestion? Do this experiment - There are many ways to perform the lateral inclination of the body, leaning first on one side and then the other. This can be done with the hands at the side or reaching behind your head. You will have a greater effect by running with outstretched arms .. It is necessary to do so sharply. Bending the maximum possible on each side. You will get the effect of moving the liver and digestive system is an exercise.