Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bunnies Cages For Sale That Role

Conference in Rome "by Sloppy Die

Dear friends I wanted to report Conference in Rome DIRTY TO DIE with PAUL CONNECT and Stefano Montanari :

Under the patronage of the Municipality of Rome
Rome February 6, 2009 at 17:00
Protomoteca at the Piazza del Campidoglio

the presence of many institutional representatives
You invite me to participate in the conference:

Video message to Paul Connett:

INFO Tel 06.72293735 - 06.95859000 Fax 06.95595200 Mob. 339.6477847-331.6194477

Meeting on the issues of waste management, incinerators, risks to health caused by pollution from fine particles, and possible practical and sustainable alternatives

Moderator David Gramiccioli

Dr. Antonietta Morena Gatti
discoverer of nano-particles together with dr. Stefano Montanari. Researcher and Director of the Laboratory of Biomaterials, Department of Neuroscience at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He works as a scientific expert and consultant for the European Commission, in particular in the field of biomaterials, biotechnology and medical devices. With 140 scientific publications to his name, is also a contributor to several journals and member of important international scientific community, including the European Society of Biomaterials. Working with the Ministry of Defence for studies on damage to human health caused by depleted uranium.
Dr. Stefano Montanari
Author of several patents in the field of cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, pulmonology, and the designer of systems and equipment for the electrophysiology, has performed scientific advice to various companies, directing, inter alia, a project for the realization of a biological heart valve. Since 1979 he collaborates with Dr. Antonietta Gatti in extensive research on biomaterials. Since 2004 he is Scientific Director of the Laboratory Nanodiagnostics of Modena. Master teacher in several national and international, is the author of numerous scientific publications. For years an intense work nanopatologie in the field of science, particularly as regards the sources of pollution from ultrafine.

Dr. Paul Connett Professor of Chemistry at St Lawrence University in Canton, New York, theorist of the global strategy "Zero Waste" For over 25 years studying the problems of waste management, with particular attention to the dangers arising from 'alternatives to incineration and burning of non-safer and more sustainable. 1500 has conducted public presentations in 48 U.S. states and in 40 other countries and currently works at the Italian project "Soil to die," Dr. John
pediatrician and Speaker of the National Coordinating Committees of Doctors for the Environment and Health and the Physicians Committee for the No to Coal of Lazio.

In the world premiere of director Marco Carlucci
present a video taken from "Soil by Dying", in preparation
Film Documentary on Waste Management in Italy and abroad and virtuous alternatives to incineration .

There will also be video messages
of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom ,
city symbol of Zero Waste (Zero Waste): Assisi-Rome-San Francisco, a bridge to hope a virtuoso of the future.

INFO Tel 06.72293735 - 06.95859000 Fax 06.95595200 331.6194477 Mob.339.6477847-

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Motion Detector Forgs


Here willingly as published by Ambientefuturo about Zero Waste:

On January 4, will be held in Naples Via della Quercia 22 (close to Piazza Dante)
a meeting of the preparatory meeting planned at the high school Casanova February 18 to 21.
The meeting addressed the realities of Naples and with the participation of a delegation of the National Network
Zero Waste will serve to finalize the logistics and to define issues and programs to bring
both in the official program of the meeting, both in its " Completion. " In terms
"institutional" is expected to appeal Capannori and the National Network
Zero Waste will be asked to which the accession of the Italian municipalities that have adopted the strategy of "zero waste
" and the Association of Municipalities Virtuosi will invite all local authorities to seize the opportunity to
an event from which to learn to broaden their horizons socializing "best practices" in a "climate" of "radical democracy". Recall that the agenda of the meeting is on
and to attend the event must register by sending an email to
(from January 2, you can also register on-line) and
worth mentioning if you need accommodation (costs range from 16 to 30 € / day).
' now started the countdown to the start of the case against subsidies for incineration.
The press conference launching the initiative, for which it was necessary to establish the association
RIGHT TO THE FUTURE, is scheduled Jan. 17 in Rome (but already a "folding"
and an agile flyer is available at Future site of the Environment and 1 December in common
occasion of World Day against the incineration promoted by GAIA). It was not easy to develop
all details "legal" to the dispute that for this
itself as the first of its kind by giving all users-citizens "cheated" the real possibility of denouncing
, to the most 'basic rights . Coming soon
a "handbook" for activists with whom you can actually start to collect
Primafilm, creative and technology independent district, presents a new challenge: a journey into the world of
fine particles, nanoparticles and possible alternatives. Sloppy as hell is the documentary film that will make us
reflect on a problem not only to us but especially the children of our own children. We have taken material from
network, we have united and put back on the network. As a "desire to unite" all those who struggle for freedom

Greenaction ( ) mobilize in the U.S., but especially in California, to support the community in
fight and win battles they change the attitudes of government and business to
for health and the environment. In particular Greenaction is a distinction in combat
attempt to spread, U.S. and Canada, the so-called "masked incinerators. This is
gasification, plasma torch, to separate the molecular variants that are nothing more than for most of
untested heat treatments. Also in Italy we are seeing these efforts. And 'these days
the proposal of the paper industry in the district of Capannori creation of a "plasma arc"
for the disposal of paper mill pulper which instead could be reduced and then disposed of through
treatments "cold."
Rossano Ercolini, Fabio Lucchesi, Pier Felice Ferri

Friday, January 23, 2009

2005 Worth May98 Mayhem

Unfortunately in Italy there are many reasons for despair. Entities should be compact in the protection of the territory, as Legambiente, show obvious internal rifts caused by the conflict of interests and ethics. Also through CIP6, green certificates, and an addition of the word "similar" to a European standard for renewable energy, in fact 7% of Enel bill was delivered to the petroleum and incineration: since 1992 more than € 35 billion.
Incinerators, by now, are sold to ordinary Italians as a miracle product by conference-show ( ), given by eminent academics and technical estimates.

the United States, however, do not build more incinerators by 1996.

This is also due to the battles of a great name of science as Paul Connett ( ) world authority in the field of waste management and theory of strategy "Zero Waste", which promotes the focus on waste management, recycling systems el'innesco virtuosos of the disposal of garbage with the precise time resolution strategies and goals. In adhering to this strategy are many realities in the world.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Locker Room Shower Boner

At Clermont-Ferrand ( medecins-s-opposent-to-incineration-des-dechets_968824_959155.html ), France, by mobilizing a group of 531 medical associations and the environment was rejected plans for a waste incinerator in June 2008. Germany, for years, launched a very extensive collection, and above all commitment a lot of energy to environmental education.

In April of 2007 - just months before his death, Lorenzo Tomatis ( ), the great Italian oncologist, spoke about the incinerators phrase lapidary:

"Hardly the new generations will forgive us for this suicide Environmental
Yet the media and some prominent scientists do nothing but reassure the public on the effectiveness and safety of incinerators ( http:// / watch? v = BAEtdVn0KYY ) or - as is often they say to ennoble them - of "energy plants". In this regard it should be remembered that the European Union has banned the term "incinerator", because it considered it misleading. ( ).
The incinerator is Europe's largest in Italy, in Brescia ( ). This facility receives awards and accolades, but sadly by the same private universities that receive generous donations from the companies that operate the incinerator.

is in this state of affairs that is difficult to obtain the analysis carried out on people close to incinerators. Many companies and many mayors, in fact, are unwilling to provide concrete data on the incidence of "diseases suspects" in the populations in the vicinity of the plant. Yet it would be essential to a round table discussion between proponents of incinerators and doctors against. Unfortunately, those expecting to find the availability of favorable political and medical incinerators for serious public debate for some time to be disappointed.
In Italy in recent years many committees have sprung up against incinerators. Besides this plant are officially just over 50, scattered throughout the national territory ( ), but many others are rapidly activated. Also in that issue are not counted gl'inceneritori individuals dedicated to the treatment of wastes and also need to count the biomass power stations that, in fact, are incinerators.