Monday, January 12, 2009

Locker Room Shower Boner

At Clermont-Ferrand ( medecins-s-opposent-to-incineration-des-dechets_968824_959155.html ), France, by mobilizing a group of 531 medical associations and the environment was rejected plans for a waste incinerator in June 2008. Germany, for years, launched a very extensive collection, and above all commitment a lot of energy to environmental education.

In April of 2007 - just months before his death, Lorenzo Tomatis ( ), the great Italian oncologist, spoke about the incinerators phrase lapidary:

"Hardly the new generations will forgive us for this suicide Environmental
Yet the media and some prominent scientists do nothing but reassure the public on the effectiveness and safety of incinerators ( http:// / watch? v = BAEtdVn0KYY ) or - as is often they say to ennoble them - of "energy plants". In this regard it should be remembered that the European Union has banned the term "incinerator", because it considered it misleading. ( ).
The incinerator is Europe's largest in Italy, in Brescia ( ). This facility receives awards and accolades, but sadly by the same private universities that receive generous donations from the companies that operate the incinerator.

is in this state of affairs that is difficult to obtain the analysis carried out on people close to incinerators. Many companies and many mayors, in fact, are unwilling to provide concrete data on the incidence of "diseases suspects" in the populations in the vicinity of the plant. Yet it would be essential to a round table discussion between proponents of incinerators and doctors against. Unfortunately, those expecting to find the availability of favorable political and medical incinerators for serious public debate for some time to be disappointed.
In Italy in recent years many committees have sprung up against incinerators. Besides this plant are officially just over 50, scattered throughout the national territory ( ), but many others are rapidly activated. Also in that issue are not counted gl'inceneritori individuals dedicated to the treatment of wastes and also need to count the biomass power stations that, in fact, are incinerators.


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