According to my research, what follows here is the first ( exhaustive) biography of Rudolph Valentino, Italian film released in the press, a few months before his return to Italy after ten years of absence, and is signed by Robert Florey, a personal friend of Valentino. Prior to this, a magazine had published some articles translated from French and American press, but nothing so precise, so to speak, first hand. Florey, who was born in Paris in 1900, arriving in Hollywood in 1921 as special envoy of the magazines Cinémagazine Film and La Française. In 1923, he left for Europe together with Valentino and Natacha Rambova as responsible for the press office. Also during this trip, the documentary will run Florey Valentino en Angleterre. For more information about Robert Florey, visit its entry in Wikipedia (French version) .
The article is divided into two parts, the first here.
Rudolph Valentino is currently the favorite actor and the most popular in the United States. Three years ago, you barely knew and it was enough to be the protagonist of the Four Horsemen dell'Apocalysse , film adapted by June Mathis, to become a famous individual.
Valentino is currently 28 years. He was born in Castellaneta May 6, 1895, of a French mother and Italian father. His relatives that he wanted to acquire higher education: Rudolph followed courses at the Military College of Taranto, then entered the School of Agriculture of Genoa. He is fluent in four languages: Italian, French, English and English.
age 12, Rudolph left his hometown to join the Board of Dante Alighieri of Taranto, where he worked bravely for three years. He finished his studies and provided excellent certificates, presented to the Naval School of Venice, where he was not admitted because the doctors judged him too "delicate". He later returned to Taranto, and decided to forget the "linkage studies" and to live a sweet 'do nothing'. He, who until then had shown the most studious pupil in her school, took a route different from the one he had drawn.
After a year of this idleness, Rudolph decided to become an agronomist and entered the School of Agriculture of Genoa where he remained for two years. However, these studies did not interest him very much and he returned to his native country and in possession of the money promessigli
by his relatives when he would become greater, he went to Monte Carlo to spend it. Then he left for Paris where he bought a villa in the Bois de Boulogne and a luxurious and Fiat also took purchase of horses, dogs ... and one day he realized that his wallet was empty and he was also covered with debt. His parents intervened once again to pay what he owed and then Rudolph thought it was time to think about his future.
He then decided to leave for the United States and embarked on 23 December 1913 "Cleveland" of the "Amerikan Hambourg Line." Rudolph was aboard that danced for the first time a 'one step' ... until then he had not danced that dances of old-fashioned.
During six months he led a princely existence in New York and one day he found himself again without money ... and needless to say, without work. And he was happy to accept from a millionaire friend of his friends, M. Bliss of Long Island, the post of Superintendent. Bliss had among others, soil and magnificent churches Valentino to turn them into gardens. Rudolph, in order to please his master, drew up plans of Italian gardens. It was then that Mrs. Bliss, returned from Europe, and made aware of the plans designed by Valentino, was opposed to them and said that this "stranger" was not to metamorphose her land that she wanted to use to stake Golf. The land became 'Golf Course' and Rudolph lost his place.
Rudolph learned then, and for the first time, what is the "misery." During the long months he remained unemployed until one day he met a friend who had known during the days lucky. And they said then: "Why not dance? I remember having seen him dancing on board the "Cleveland" ... are elegant, beautiful and will certainly work .... '.
And Valentino, after mature reflection, he decided to follow the advice of his by which he entered as a dancer at the Cafe Maxims . The famous dancer Bonnie Glass who was looking for a knight remarked the elegant and signed him immediately. And the two dancers soon acquired a great popularity in New York.
But Rudolph, soon tired of her choreographic success, he accepted with great enthusiasm to be part of a troupe of operettas, he had to do a tour of the United States. He had the role of the "dancer." Unfortunately, the business went bad and Valentino and the artists parted soon. Our "hero" was then in San Francisco neck in order to deal with agriculture even that he had abandoned. But it was as a dancer
Alcazar and as a teacher of dance Valentino back to work. He also had a role in Nobody Home, a comedy that was a great success. It was said that Valentino
had to do all trades: he then entered into a bank and would certainly have made progress in this direction if the United States entering World War II had not interrupted his plans. Two years earlier, when Italy entered the conflict, Rudolph in his capacity as Italian, was presented to the Consulate in San Francisco and had been reformed. And two more times he stood still and was always new and reformed. He then decided to present American and British military office and here again he was declared unfit for military service.
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