Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Letter Format Internet Disconnection

Possible alternatives to incineration

Possible alternatives to the "production" of nanoparticles.
Paradoxically, what is considered in Italy as "problems, waste disposal, in some parts of the world has even seen as a treasure! To better understand: Nature does not know the concept of "waste" - which in fact is an exclusive product of human activity - and then, because the denial is alien to Nature, the value should be producing as little as possible.

In fact, the alternatives to incineration - and thus the production of nano-paricelle and fine particles - are for real. There are brilliant examples, even in Italy, communities that have organized to produce as little trash as possible and especially to recycle almost completely through the treatments.

In northern Italy there is the Recycling Center Vedelago ( ), a village in the province of Treviso, which is doing school. The percentage of recycled material is very high, close to 100%. But even in the much-despised Campania no shortage of good examples of money laundering ( ). It's amazing to think that in Italy in 1939 has already initiated the collection door to door, as shown Istituto Luce just in the movie "Nothing is destroyed." In this regard we must also remember that the collection of which we spoke at that time in Italy is not so different, both conceptually and technically, from that of most modern cities of today: just think of San Francisco.

Indeed, the example of maximum efficiency in waste management is just what the city of San Francisco ( , USA. The young mayor, Gavin Newsom is proud of the city with best collection in the world. It is important to note that the model of San Francisco has several reasons of interest. First respect for the urban decor but also the protection of public health. Another important element is the employment it generates. In fact, many operators are involved in the further differentiation of the waste material, and many jobs are designed for people with disabilities seeking employment. In short, the San Francisco model not only environmentally but also creates a virtuous economic system. Recycle waste through the collection door to door is what should make any modern society that wants to be called "civil".


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