Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Requirements Street Legal In Texas Dune Buggy


Italy, a country overwhelmed by trash, where it wants to resolve the problem by using new energy plants instead of resorting to the most intelligent collection ..
Did you know that we incinerators receive subsidies from renewables, when in fact they are not! And in fact for an Italian town incinerate their waste costs about half as eg. to a common in Germany, which for this reason prefer to utilize separate collection!
Un'utima treat, after hearing what's happening in France:
In March 2008, a report from the National Institute of Health Surveillance (InVS) stressed a considerable increase in the risk of certain cancers (lymphomas, myelomas, sarcomas, breast cancer) in people living near incinerators ... The
InVS states that this study does not accuse of a particular pollutant and stresses that the retrofitting of incinerators to reduce dioxins does not guarantee the reduction of risk, since the filters to be ineffective for a number of other dioxins CMR ( carcinogenic, mutagenic - that is causing genetic mutations -, reprotoxic) from the combustion of waste.


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