Sunday, December 5, 2010

Average Cost Of Sunfish Sailboat

CERN creates antimatter and imprisons

17novembre : Today 38 anti-hydrogen atoms whizzing fast, to the tune of hundreds of meters per second, have been slowed by low temperatures and trapped in a magnetic trap for almost two tenths of a second.> Now you can analyze them. They are in a vacuum and can not touch the walls of their cage'''': If this were to happen would be a trouble 'cause if
matter and antimatter comes into contact will cancel each other out in a huge explosion. "Hold
the machine's anti-hydrogen atoms and 'how to play
table tennis without touching the ball with the racquets''

"CERN, created the primordial matter"


The world's most powerful accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, 'created' the primordial matter, which existed only in the first moments after the Big Bang that gave birth to the Universe
For the scientific director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, And'''impressive rapidity' with which the experiments have come to these results, concerning a very complex physics.'' Right now the data you are collecting at CERN''are such that the experiments are in the race for who gets to publish first, but at the same time there is' a strong collaboration to assemble their findings in a single framework. It 's a beautiful example of how competition and collaboration are the future of research.'' Discover the field early and 'up to the objective of Atlas, the experiment at the head of which is' the Italian Fabiola Gianotti and where Italy and' represented by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Infn) by Leonardo Rossi. Today ' was therefore a goal for this experiment to get the matter to the primitive state.

The collisions of lead ions have led to extreme conditions of pressure and temperature of the substance comparable to those only existed in the first microseconds after the Big Bang when the universe was denser than an atomic nucleus and warm tens of thousands of billions of degrees. In this environment, the nuclei of matter are''loose''and the quarks and gluons are freed in a plasma (called Qpg, which stands for Quark Gluon Plasma). Measure the density 'of matter and primitive' could 'cause, with it, the collisions have produced (as expected) even two quarks gluons or two very high-energy, which in turn give rise to two jets of particles that propagate in opposite directions and that, by their nature, are used to determine the density 'of the medium through which they propagate.


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