Saturday, December 4, 2010

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LHC, it seems the signing of a medicinal product and also brings hope and skepticism, for and against like any other What in the world.
even skeptics may say that it is not something great, just let the numbers speak, 27 km in diameter depth of 100 meters (almost under the city) for a cost of over 6 billion .

It 's a very important moment in history, says Sergio Bertolucci , head of the executive council of' INFN - of which the common people do not realize until the end, opens for a new research and science world. It 's like when after years in which all the candles were used, did the light bulb, a real revolution , but without a breakthrough, the bulb would never have been born. Science is used to these revolutions, by its very nature to dare to look ahead and make discontinuity. A millenarian vision with those who insinuate fears and emotions wrong (the case of the black hole) should be noted that without basic research is not possible to develop and advance a society. Message often difficult to pass because the science is not easy and requires time, patience and stubborn conviction. "

that sparked the panic was the news that the experiment could create a mini black hole , which could potentially get rid of the planet Earth, swallowing. A throw water on the fire, talking Roberto Petronzio, Nucleale president of the National Institute of Physics and Luciano Maiani, former director general of CERN . According to experts, in fact, the experiment is absolutely safe. The international scientific community awaits the outcome of the experiment, the preparation of which lasted for almost twenty years.
The Church blesses and encourages research in the service of humanity and dignity of the person in the protection of the Earth and the Universe. The Vatican fears that antimatter could open up the door to other stars, but the applications of technology that are not in the service of the sacredness of human life, the only race on Earth, and until proven guilty, the Universe.

As mentioned above, not everyone agrees with this experiment: opponents fear that it is turned face colliding atoms at such high speeds and temperatures so high as to create a mini black hole that could swallow the planet.

One of the major opponents to this project Professor Otto Rossler , German Chemist Eberhard Karls Uuniversity of Tubingen. And 'one of the scientists who signed the documents before the European Court of Human Rights, with the hope of seeing stop the operation.
No one has heard, not even the court of human rights, even if born in the population is some concern as to the scope of the experiment.
The machine at CERN has attracted attention because today is the largest and most powerful accelerator ever built.
" CERN itself concedes that blacks can create mini-holes when the particles collide, but do not consider a risk My calculations showed that it is possible that these small holes will survive, grow exponentially and "eat the planet from the inside" >>.
Rossler believes that scientists at CERN are taking all non- precautions that should be taken to protect human life.

Thanks to the project of two characters Walter Wagner and Luis Sancho the issue of CERN has been disclosed in the normal people. With an appeal the court of Hawaii, Wagner and Sancho, claimed that the LHC is a kind of "weapon end of the world" , which can produce only blacks holes can swallow the entire planet.
This thesis outlined above, it is bizarre in the eyes of many scientists.

Luis Sancho


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