I the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest particle accelerator ever built: formed by a circuit of 27 km length set to one hundred meters deep at the border between France and Switzerland, had been successfully launched 10 September 2008 before being shut down just 36 hours later because of a failure due to a faulty electrical connection between two of the superconducting magnets of the machine.
In subsequent repair work has been shown to be defective magnets placed 53 others, and some improvements such as a detector of electrical resistance level that will exclude the power before a short circuit may damage the machine components.
In subsequent repair work has been shown to be defective magnets placed 53 others, and some improvements such as a detector of electrical resistance level that will exclude the power before a short circuit may damage the machine components.
the LHC, which should recreate the first moments after the Big Bang, tremiliardesimo of a second later, he, therefore, officially opened the hunt for what now is called the "God particle ", the Higgs boson, the Standard Model elementary particle (the theory that describes all the elementary particles known to date and three of the four known fundamental forces, ie strong interactions, the electromagnetic and the weak ) theorized in 1964 by physicist Peter Higgs . In the focus of the LHC is not only the Higgs boson, but also the search for evidence supporting the existence of dark matter, antimatter, and then see if there are particles of all new spatial dimensions or additional dimensions such as those provided by string theory. In short, with LHC began a journey that most likely will reserve some surprises.
the LHC will perform four experiments that will occur in many different detectors: CMS, Atlas, and Lchb Alice.
CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid - Search Atlas together with the Higgs boson. CMS and Atlas are the main LHC experiments and go in search of the so-called God particle, the Higgs boson, the particle that gives mass to all the known particles of matter. Explore the nature of matter and fundamental forces that govern the universe. Although the goals of CMS and Atlas are the same, using different technological solutions and CMS magnets designed accordingly to achieve his goal. CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid
LHC beauty (LHCb) detector is designed to answer a specific question: is there anti-matter and where did it go? During the Big Bag, according to scientists, there were an equal amount of ordinary matter and antimatter, its counterpart. But today there is no trace of antimatter, for example, there are no stars or galaxies of antimatter. To investigate this LHC Beauty on the subtle difference between matter and antimatter by studying a type of particle, called "beauty quark". lhc Beauty
Alice - rebuild through high-energy collisions between lead nuclei, moments after the Big Bang, a millionth of a second after the BB. Scientists hope to recreate the state of matter that exists in those moments: a quark-gluon plasma with a temperature of one million degrees achieved a millionth of a second after the Big Bang and lasted only a split second. A substance in the liquid state because of the high temperatures of the early universe. Alice will look like this plasma as it expands and cools, to understand the processes that have gradually given rise to the particles that make up matter in the universe current. alice
Atlas - is one of the main LHC experiments, its purpose is to look for dark matter. It's huge: 25 meters high, 45 long and weighs about 7 thousand tons. It is half as big as Notre Dame and weighs as much as the Eiffel Tower. Atlas with CMS will look for the Higgs boson, and the basement dug under Meyrin, Switzerland, will look into space to search for new dimensions, microscopic holes blacks and evidence of the existence of dark material. atlas
There are also two other smaller detectors, but special, which will simulate LHCf cosmic rays and Totem (Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation), measuring the size of the proton and its behavior.
LHC will generate a large amount of data: nearly 150 million sensors gather information from millions of collisions per second between particles that occur at the center of each of the four major experiments or particle detectors. The scientists will be produced about half a billion data points per second, 15 million Gygabite year, how to fill a 100 GB hard disk every 4 minutes. In anticipation of this large amount of data has been made to the Grid, or rather the method of calculation "LHC Computing Grid."
the LHC will perform four experiments that will occur in many different detectors: CMS, Atlas, and Lchb Alice.
CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid - Search Atlas together with the Higgs boson. CMS and Atlas are the main LHC experiments and go in search of the so-called God particle, the Higgs boson, the particle that gives mass to all the known particles of matter. Explore the nature of matter and fundamental forces that govern the universe. Although the goals of CMS and Atlas are the same, using different technological solutions and CMS magnets designed accordingly to achieve his goal. CMS, Compact Muon Solenoid
LHC beauty (LHCb) detector is designed to answer a specific question: is there anti-matter and where did it go? During the Big Bag, according to scientists, there were an equal amount of ordinary matter and antimatter, its counterpart. But today there is no trace of antimatter, for example, there are no stars or galaxies of antimatter. To investigate this LHC Beauty on the subtle difference between matter and antimatter by studying a type of particle, called "beauty quark". lhc Beauty
Alice - rebuild through high-energy collisions between lead nuclei, moments after the Big Bang, a millionth of a second after the BB. Scientists hope to recreate the state of matter that exists in those moments: a quark-gluon plasma with a temperature of one million degrees achieved a millionth of a second after the Big Bang and lasted only a split second. A substance in the liquid state because of the high temperatures of the early universe. Alice will look like this plasma as it expands and cools, to understand the processes that have gradually given rise to the particles that make up matter in the universe current. alice
Atlas - is one of the main LHC experiments, its purpose is to look for dark matter. It's huge: 25 meters high, 45 long and weighs about 7 thousand tons. It is half as big as Notre Dame and weighs as much as the Eiffel Tower. Atlas with CMS will look for the Higgs boson, and the basement dug under Meyrin, Switzerland, will look into space to search for new dimensions, microscopic holes blacks and evidence of the existence of dark material. atlas
There are also two other smaller detectors, but special, which will simulate LHCf cosmic rays and Totem (Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation), measuring the size of the proton and its behavior.
LHC will generate a large amount of data: nearly 150 million sensors gather information from millions of collisions per second between particles that occur at the center of each of the four major experiments or particle detectors. The scientists will be produced about half a billion data points per second, 15 million Gygabite year, how to fill a 100 GB hard disk every 4 minutes. In anticipation of this large amount of data has been made to the Grid, or rather the method of calculation "LHC Computing Grid."
ATHENA antimatter was a research project which was accomplished with the antiproton decelerator. In August 2002, was the first experiment to produce 50,000 anti-hydrogen atoms at low energy. In 2005, ATHENA was dissolved and many of the former members working on the next Alpha experiment.
ALPHA was an experiment designed to trap the neutral anti-hydrogen in a magnetic trap, conducting experiments on it. The ultimate goal of this effort is to test CPT symmetry by comparing the spectra of atomic hydrogen and anti-hydrogen. The ALPHA collaboration consists of some of the earlier members of the ATHENA collaboration (the first group that failed to produce significant amounts of cold anti-hydrogen, in 2002), as well as a number of new members.
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